/ Product

Tools to supercharge
your workflow

Discover a streamlined toolset that supercharges you and your business

Meet your AI assistant

Our tools are augmented by AI to help you plan networks faster and with more precision.
Parse floorplans into editable layouts
Apply smart industry use cases for demand
Accurately predict network performance

Discover all our features


AI layout processing

Save time by automatically, creating walls and areas based on common use cases.

Multi layout support

Include multiple floors or buildings within your project.

Wall & area simulation

Our platform simulates wall properties to ensure precise coverage.

Layout editing

Edit walls and areas to make sure your layouts are exact.

AI demand application

Automatically applied demand based on your layout and use case.

Customizable demand

Add specific profiles for user or device demands right down to individual rooms.

AI network application

Get to results faster with automatically applied networks based on demand and use case.

Customizable network profiles

Get fine control over network allocation and the blend between them.

Multi-network support

Mix WiFi (including 6e) and public/private cellular networks within the same project.

Customize hardware choices

Choose and configure hardware from multiple vendors or add custom-designed hardware

Accurate simulation

See network performance heatmaps based on your layout, demand, networks and number of endpoints

Hardware and wiring simulation

Automatically create hardware locations and wiring diagrams to give you the optimal coverage

Coverage adjustment

Fine tune performance and cost by moving, adding or removing hardware

Coverage charting

Understand coverage breakdown with easy to understand charting

Automated bill of materials

Get a complete breakdown of hardware, wiring and installation costs

Automate report generation

Provide options with multiple automated and custom reports

Project sharing & access control

Share your projects with colleagues and control access

Multi-user edit

Work together on one project and set project status

Project history

See a full user-by-user change log and roll back to previous simulations

Cloud based application

Works on Mac, Windows & Linux

Flexible Pricing

Scale based on the needs of your engineering team.

Free client sharing

You can share with clients and they can view without additional licences

Tech spec

System requirements

  • Cloud based application
  • Compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux
  • Processor: 1.5+GHz, multi-core recommended
  • Memory: 8GB RAM, 16GB+ RAM recommended


  • Supports all Wi-Fi standards including Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax in 6GHz), and 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
  • Supports all Cellular standards including LTE and 5G
  • Full support of CBRS spectrum for private cellular networks
  • Includes a database of Wi-Fi access points and antennas from all vendors
  • Includes a database of Cellular (LTE, 5G) access points and antennas from all vendors


How do I buy Eino?

You can buy Eino either via invoicing or credit card processed on our secure platform.

Can I try the platform before buying?

Yes! Please contact us for product demo and trial accounts.

Where does my data get processed?

Your data is only shared with your team. You can set permissions to view or edit and all the data are securely saved on the cloud.

What security do you offer?

Eino is run on the most secure cloud platforms. We regularly perform information security gap assessment and penetration tests.

How do I train my team?

Eino is designed to be intuitive for network engineers. You don't need extensive training however, we have a clear onboarding and customer support to address all your needs.

What do I need to install?

You don't! Eino is a web-based platform that runs seamlessly on Mac, Windows, or Linux.